Bambach Wire and Cables, a well established Australian company, is a strategic partner of Pacific Commercial Diving Supply in the provision of components for commercial diving umbilical’s. As an ISO 9002 accredited company, quality of product and customer satisfaction is assured. The range of underwater products include:
- Communication Cable – view specs
- 2 Core Video Cable – view specs
- 4 Core Video Cable – view specs
- Submersible Multi Core Cable – view specs
- Submersible Pump Cable – view specs

Barfell quality and reliability are renowned throughout the diving industry, as Barfell is the preferred hose when a floating, chemical and kink resistant, PVC air hose is required.
Barfell Divers Hose together with Tema Couplings and PCDS Diveloc reusable hose ends form the basis for a reliable trouble free supply system that is truly professional.

Features Include:
- Barfell quality and reliability are renowned throughout the diving industry.
- The hoses are built with a generous 4:1 safety factor and reinforced to withstand constant stretch and pressure, with ultra violet stabilisers to resist attack from the sun.
- The hoses have an excellent buoyancy factor and they resist kinking and twist.
- Easy reel- in performance is another notable feature.
- Inner tubes are manufactured from AFDA approved food contact material and reinforcement is high tenacity Terylene, both braided and longitudinal to prevent stretch.
- The outer cover is smooth, high visibility yellow abrasion resistant polymer.
Cortland Fibron Umbilicals and ROV Tethers
Bell Umbilicals
This product range includes umbilicals for Life Support applications such as Main Bell, Wet Bell and Habitat diving. Hoses and cables are incorporated providing services such as gas and hot water supply, gas reclaim, depth monitoring, power supply, communications and video transmission. All umbilicals are of a rope like twisted construction and are supplied with either polyethylene monofilament overbraid or extruded jacket. All design and manufacture, testing and termination takes place in–house specifically for the required application. Cortland Fibron has a proven track record in the supply of umbilicals to the highest standards. Approval is available as required, e.g. Lloyds Register of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, etc.

Diver Umbilicals
Cortland Fibron has many years experience in the design and manufacture of Divers Umbilicals for both Surface Demand and Bell Excursion applications.
Hose types are available to suit specific applications considering pressure rating, flexibility and abrasion resistance. Hoses are twisted with cables to provide all power, communications and video requirements and lifelines can be incorporated where required. Various end fitting and electrical terminations are available to suit specific requirements.

Welding and Burning Umbilicals
Umbilicals are custom built to combine gas and electrical supply for all welding and burning applications. Welding cable is available in either copper or aluminium in various sizes to suit specific requirements. Gas supply hoses are combined with cables in a twisted construction and overbraided with polyethylene monofilament. Communications, video and power cables can also be included. Terminations can be supplied for both hose and electrical components.

One Atmospshere Diving Suit Cables
Designed and manufactured in-house, these life support cables are built to provide all required power, communications and video to the diver. Armoured and neutrally buoyant variants are available. With many years design and manufacturing experience Cortland Fibron are able to supply fully terminated cables in accordance with your specific requirements. Using the extensive facilities at our disposal rigorous test programmes can be implemented to ensure that only the highest standard of product is supplied.

Tooling Umbilicals
Umbilicals can be designed and manufactured to accommodate the requirements of various hand held and other subsea tools for such applications as cutting, riveting, hull cleaning, etc. Hydraulic or pneumatic hoses can be supplied along with any control, power or video cables in a compact and robust package. All umbilicals come with terminations and full testing as required.

ROV Tethers and LifT Cables

Tethers provide services similar to those of the Main Lift Cable, however
in this case between the vehicle and either the TMS or the surface directly. Electrical & optical signal, electrical power and mechanical strength can again be custom designed into a suitable cable package by Cortland Fibron.
ROV tethers can significantly affect vehicle performance, so are invariably required to be highly flexible and robust. Small diameter is crucial, and neutral to positive buoyancy is frequently an indispensable requirement.
All of these design & manufacturing considerations are familiar to Cortland Fibron, and facilities are available for the qualification and acceptance testing regimes necessary for cable used in this most demanding of applications.

Sub-sea Crawler Cables
Similar in operation to both Main Lift Cables and Tethers, these cable/ umbilical types provide electrical power, electrical and/or optical signal and occasionally hydraulic or pneumatic services between land or an off-shore vessel and a sea-bed crawling vehicle (e.g. trenching, sampling or surveying).
Often armoured for both mechanical protection and tensile strength, cables of this type may have to withstand gruelling dynamic use and damaging external effects from the seabed conditions. Where weight is a consideration however, synthetic fibre reinforcements may also be considered.
Cortland Fibron possess the capabilities to custom design and manufacture umbilicals to meet the harshest of sea-bed uses, and have available test facilities for the proving of these designs.

Main Lift Cables
Providing the power, signal and mechanical link between a surface vessel and the ROV deployment system, i.e. tether management system (TMS), “cage” or “garage”, these cable types must comfortably support the weight of the TMS containing the ROV, its Tether and any ancillary packages that may be required whilst also allowing for extraneous forces due to vessel motion and tidal forces.
Signal components, including relay of video or system telemetry, may be transmitted via optical fibres or electrical cores (often in the form of twisted pairs, quads or co-axials). Power is often transmitted electrically at voltages up to 3,500 V. Cortland Fibron can custom design cables for specific electrical requirements and can accommodate commonly available fibre optic elements.
TEMA & Diveloc Fittings
TEMA Couplings
TEMA Automatic Divers Coupling is a self sealing two waycoupling
for diving systems where a quick disconnection is required. The TEMA coupling has a safety lock mechanism and complies with AS 2299. TEMA components are:
- TEMA Female body – Part No. 13 – 049
- TEMA Male adaptor – Part No. 13 – 048
- Dust Plug – Part No. 13 – 004
- Dust Cap – Part No. 13 – 003
Diveloc Reusable Fittings
The Diveloc re – usable fitting design utilizes a double clamping feature, locking the hose to the fitting on both the exterior cover and the inner tube along the length of the fitting, eliminating the possibility of the hose and the fitting parting under load. Diveloc components are:
- Air / Gas Supply Fittings
9/16” UNF to 10mm Barfell – Part #.12 – 006
9/16” UNF to 10mm Fibron/Gates – Part #. 12–007
No. 6 JIC to 10mm Barfell – Part #. 12 – 003
No. 6 JIC to 10mm Fibron / Gates – Part # 12–004
No. 8 JIC to 10mm Barfell – Part # 12 – 008
No. 8 JIC to 10mm Gates / Fibro – Part # 12 – 009 - Pneumo Hose End Fittings
No. 4 JIC to 6mm Barfell – Part #. 12 – 001 - Adaptor Fittings
No. 4 JIC to 1⁄4” NPT – Part # 13 – 094
9/16” UNF to 1⁄4” BSP – Part # 13 – 002
No. 6 JIC to1/4” NPT – Part # 13 – 011
No. 8 JIC to 1⁄4” NPT – Part # 13 – 011